Hello Friends and Fellow Laborers, Month: July
June was an amazing month! We had a wonderful time on our two week survey trip in Indonesia! During our time there, we checked out many different establishments as well as houses in preparation for our move. We also had the opportunity to attend and even participate in several church services and speak with several missionaries to Indonesia and Indonesia pastors. We heard of one salvation during our time there. We were able to go over our budget with the veteran missionary and after much research and review we settled on a budget. We are at 80% of our support!
We are now starting our paperwork to get visas to go to Indonesia. They tell us it is a four to six month process. We could realistically spend Thanksgiving in Indonesia!! Gina and I are so excited to be so close to the end of deputation. We are going to take the final few months to finish deputation, to visit family at least one more time, and to build up our set-up fund before we leave. We have listed a few of the bigger ticket items we will need to purchase when we arrive below. We have already received several gifts towards these needs and are amazed at how the Lord has already been providing!
Quick story from the road: We were on our way to lunch with a pastor when I hit the curb and bent the lower control arm connecting the front passenger wheel to the frame of the car! I was so embarrassed, but the pastor was very gracious. The pastor of the church whose prophet’s chamber we were staying in allowed us to borrow his car for the week. Even more than that, he and another man in the church took the bent part off, bought the replacement, and put it on! God has been so good to Gina and I as we travel! Not only have we had very little car trouble the whole time, but God has taken care of the car trouble we have had every single time!
Thank you so much for you prayers for us as we travel! Please continue to pray that God will lead us to the churches He would have us go to and that He would get us to Indonesia quickly?
With Love in our hearts,
In service to the King,
Jens, Gina, and Thalia Looney
Your Missionaries to Indonesia