Hello Friends and Fellow Laborers, September 2022
God has been so good to us! He has kept us safe as we have travel around the U.S. and even over to Indonesia earlier this year. He has given us 85% of our support. but more importantly, He has given us friends all over the country who pray for us and intercede on our behalf with God. We are so thankful for you! Thank you so much for your continuous prayers for our family!
Recently, I contacted our representative to the Indonesian government, and he informed me that although the visa process had not completely stalled, it had incurred some fees. He was able to give us an estimate of incurred and future fees. and we were able to send him the money needed to continue processing the visas. This is great news! It means our paperwork is not being neglected, but it is also moving in the right direction! Please keep praying that our Visa paperwork continues to make progress.
Once our visas are approved, we have ninety days to get into Indonesia before the visas become invalid. Gina and I were talking with some veteran missionaries, as well as a few pastor friends of ours. After much discussion we have decided to spend one last holiday season with our families before leaving for Indonesia. This removes the concern of needing to repurchase tickets as well as gives what should be ample time for the visas to be approved. Even if our visas are approved in the beginning of November, we have till the end of January to finish packing and move. We also agree that one last holiday with our families would be good for everyone.
Please continue to pray that God will lead us to the churches He would have us go to, that He would raise the remainder of our support and set-up funds, and that He would get us to Indonesia quickly and safely.
With Love in our hearts,
In service to the King,
Jens, Gina, and Thalia Looney
Your Missionaries to Indonesia