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Paperwork, Praise, Prayer

Hello Friends and Fellow Laborers, August 2022

Last month I shared that we started our visa paperwork, at this point all we know is that it is in processing. We were told it should take four to six months to process which is anything from November 2022 to January 2023. Although, we have heard of one instance where the paperwork took a year. Please pray with us that the paperwork goes through faster, rather than slower.

This past month we saw a young woman come to know Christ as Savior after one of the services. Although we will not mention her name, please be in prayer for this young woman. She had just started going to church again. Pray that her desire to learn more of God and to be discipled will grow. Pray for the pastor and his wife who have shown such an amazing desire to teach her about the God she now trusts.

I want to thank many of you for your giving and supporting of our ministry as we travel to churches and share our desire to bring the Gospel to Indonesia! I made mention last month of our set-up fund, and the need for a lump sum to move to Indonesia and begin life over there and because of your generous giving we are at 50% of our set-up fund goal! Thank you so much for all you’ve done!

Vision Baptist Missions recently had our annual marriage retreat. It was a good time and great teaching with Pastor Derik Lawrence! Now more than ever we understand the need of prayer for our marriage. We are still learning each other, we have a new child, we are packing up the house, moving to another country, and learning a new language and culture. It is all very stressful and we know the devil would love to use this stress to hurt our relationship. Please pray for us, that we would grow together and stronger as a result of everything that is happening, rather than apart.

Thank you so much for you prayers for us as we travel! Please continue to pray that God will lead us to the churches He would have us go to, that He would raise the remainder of our support and set-up funds, and that He would get us to Indonesia quickly and safely.

With Love in our Hearts,

In Service to the King,

Jens, Gina, and Thalia Looney

Your Missionaries to Indonesia

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