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Birthday Blessings

Hello Dear Friends and Fellow Laborers, Month: May 2021

Wow! Is it May already? This month has flown by! We have enjoyed it thoroughly, and I hope that you have too! We started off with Vision Baptist Mission’s yearly orientation meeting. It was good to see all my missionary friends again and for my wife and I to continue our training as we prepare for Indonesia. I look forward to how God continues to bless VBM.

Regina and I both turned another year older in April! Regina’s birthday was the 18th and mine the 20th. We thank God for blessing us not only with another year, but also with each other to celebrate the rest of them. It is hard to believe we have been married for three months! God’s birthday gift to us was four new churches who voted to take us on for support this month! Praise God for taking us four steps closer to getting to Indonesia!

Friends, I do have a couple of prayer requests for you this month.

1. St. Amant Baptist Church, in St. Amant, LA. Was hit by a tornado in the middle of April, the week before we were there with them. It tore part of the roof off their gym, and the portico from the front of the church. Most of the furniture and equipment in the auditorium received water damage and will have to be replaced. Would you pray that God will give them discernment and the funds needed for repairs and replacements?

2. Indonesia has suffered greatly this month. They were hit by terrible storms with flooding that killed over 150 people, and mudslides that killed and injured many more. For unknown reasons, one of their submarines sank while out on maneuvers and the entire crew of 53 was lost. Please be in prayer for this hurting country that as they look for comfort they would turn to the Savior who promises to fill them with the only true Comforter.

We thank you for you prayers and support! We hope and pray that God would bless you as you have blessed us! Would you continue to pray that God would keep us safe as we travel the roads on deputation, and that He would continue to bring us in contact with those whom we can be a blessing to, and that He would continue to raise our support level so that we may reach Indonesia with the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?

With love in our hearts,

In service to The King,

Jens & Gina Looney

Your Missionaries To Indonesia

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